If you bought the Carenado SR22 GTSx Turbo, you may have noticed that you cannot adjust the course using the course knob. Also, the HSI/CDI will always show the needle point to 000.
One easy solution I found is to make a change in the SR22's panel.cfg. Open your SimObjects\Airplanes\Carenado SR22_GTSX\panel\panel.cfg with notepad. Scroll down to the [Vcockpit01] section, and change it to...
[Vcockpit01] Background_color=0,0,0 size_mm=512,512 visible=0 pixel_size=1024,1024 texture=$Panel_1
//gauge00=SR22_G1000!G1000_config, 0, 0, 1, 1 //gauge01=SR22_G1000!COMMON_UPDATE_G1000PFD, 0, 0, 1, 1 //gauge02=SR22_G1000!G1000_PFDSR22VC, 0,0, 512, 354 //gauge03=SR22!ToggleCARG1000, 60,0,390, 25
gauge00=SR22_G1000!G1000_config, 0,0, 1, 1 gauge01=SR22_G1000!G1000_PFDSR22, 0,0,512,354 gauge02=SR22!ToggleCARG1000, 60,0,390, 25 gauge04=Carenado_G1000_SVS\WebSimSVS!WebSimSVS,1,1,1,1,C_G1000.ini gauge05=SR22_G1000!COMMON_UPDATE_G1000PFD, 0, 0, 1, 1
The course knob is still useless, but at least it will display the correct course when you create a flight plan or direct to using the GPS.
